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Dorrie's Doll Diaries
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Dorrie got owl !


Current Mood : I feel like I'm back on the right path...so, darn happy ! 



Had another of my 'Silly Little Memory-Epiphanies That Don't Mean Squat To Anyone Else' today. Wanted to wish Tabitha a happy birthday today - yaaay ! - so I found a cute graphic on MonsterHigh.com and set about removing some elements and tweaking others. Had to ditch a partial 'Click Here' button, which is always fun...but these days, it's barely a challenge. Fifteen minutes later, I had what I wanted - it took me longer to figure out how to post it to her than it did to alter the image !



I was a little smug - I'm actually getting good at crafting what I want from graphic images that aren't quite right. Then I remembered some wake-of-Star Wars movie I saw as a kid. One character was shown to manipulate light like a toy - bouncing wave forms and color spheres from his hands on a whim. Since it's not really explained or explored, I figured any of the film's characters could do that, like the only kid at recess with a yo-yo - any kid could have one, but in those scenes, only he did. Turns out, it's a plot point that singles that guy out, he's the One, the Hope of All Mankind, yatta yatta. Or something. I really don't remember much about it. Except for that wave-form thing...



I always wanted to do that. Something unexplained that no one else around me could. I examined ads for rings that promised to magnetically manipulate things at my command via a hidden switch - I knew it was fake, but I wanted to be special, even if it was a weird sort of special. Turns out, I now actually do alter light and colors to suit my needs, it's just on a computer, and anyone can do it. But, like any talent, no one is born with it. It only comes from time and craft and need and desire.



Funny, when you realize you've had something you've always wanted, all along...



Turns out, the movie was the classic 'so bad, it approaches good' Starcrash. And the 'you learn, you're not born knowing anything except maybe how to breathe' theory is why I don't read stuff like Harry Potter. I hate the 'born expert' stuff. It just annoys everyone else who has to work like a dog to have the skills this person is blessed with, and negates the struggle and sacrifice. It's been my experience that the ones who had to work to get what they want made the struggle worth it - the ones who had it handed to them got so entitled, they expected everything else on a platter as well - and other people were just there to give them everything. I'm sure you can guess who I'd rather hang out and talk with !



Got some hand-sewing and machine sewing done today, but I mostly spent the afternoon playing with my dolls. I needed that. But, as day's end approaches, I finally found a use for those skull-and-crossbones shoe decorations I bought back in September - turns out, they make perfect belt buckles for the MH guys ! They're just a bit too long for the ghouls. DracuLaura has a new dress with an altered-to-fit Moxie Teenz belt, and I'm happy. It's too dark to get a decent photo, though, so I'll post it tomorrow. Hope you enjoy my 'new, improved' Sir Hoots A Lot instead ! He's also from the Doll Divine site, although I had to touch him up a bit in PaintShopPro. 



And that you'll join me in wishing Tabitha a late birthday ! Be glad to wish you one, just tell me when it is, and I'll scratch it on the desk calendar, anytime. 

Posted by dorriebelle at 10:16 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 4 May 2011 11:43 AM CDT

Monday, 18 April 2011 - 8:23 PM CDT

Name: "Michelle"
Home Page: http://dashausdermaus.blogspot.com/

Ok, I'm curious.  LOL!  What is it that you don't like about Harry Potter?  He isn't born knowing anything really.  He's just the one that got away because his mom sacraficed herself for his life.  He still has to learn magic, still has enemies and bullies in school, still has to win the girl over, still has fears of the unknown because he doesn't know what to do about it, and he doesn't know how to defeat Voldermort but him and his friends work together to figure it out.  It's actually a good book serious.  You should give it a try if you haven't.  You might like it.  :-)

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